Sunday, December 23, 2012

Video: An Introduction to CERT

This video produced in 2008 is a short presentation on what CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is and how a CERT is used. The video was produced for CERT programs in California however CERT is now a standardized national program.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Monthly CERT Refresher Course

The Monthly CERT Refresher Course is this Saturday - December 8th @ 9am.

CERT Refresher Course
LDS Cannon 5th / 9th Ward Building
1250 West 1400 South
Salt Lake City, UT

Link to MAP of location:

We will be going over Units 1 - Disaster Preparedness

We hope to see you at the CERT Refresher Course!

The CERT Refresher class is held monthly on the 2nd Saturday @ 9am.  Each month cover one of the units from the CERT manual.  We welcome anyone that wants to come and refresh the CERT training they received, or come see what CERT is all about.

The location is the LDS Cannon 5th / 9th Ward building located at 1250 West 1400 South,  Salt Lake City, Utah.  The easiest entry is through the EAST doors of the building and it is in the first room to the right.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at:
(801) 550-0269 - cell

We look forward to seeing you there Saturday!