In the event of an emergency, locate the main gas service shutoff valve and shut off the gas. Main gas shutoff valves are normally located near the gas meter
Outside Meters
- Gas meters and gas service shutoff valves are usually located on the side or in front of a building.
Cabinet Meters
- In some cases, gas meters may be located in a cabinet enclosure built into the building or located inside the building, with the shutoff valve located outside on a section of gas pipe next to the building.
Gas Shutoff
- Use a non-sparking wrench to turn the valve clockwise one-quarter turn.
- Valve is closed when it is crosswise to the pipe
Gas Turn-on
Natural gas flow should only be turned on by a licensed technician
Do not shut off the gas unless you:
smell gas, hear gas escaping,
see a broken gas line orsuspect a gas leak.
If you are unsure whether a gas meter has a shutoff device, contact the gas service company.
Information obtained from Salt Lake CERT Field Operations Guide.